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Online Winter Yoga and Meditation Retreat with Anya and Naama

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Hope you are all healthy and finding meaning and joy in this time.

We were planning to offer a retreat in Brandenburg but as this retreat would not happen because of the extended lockdown, we decided to not give up and translate the retreat we have planned into a stay-home-online platform.

Our aim is to bring elements from the original planned retreat into this one.

That would mean that apart from having all the sessions online, we will include some structural changes into our days such as: silence, phone fasting, and connection with other participants (through online meetings or walks in the park). We still brainstorm and look for ways to create a meaningful space that encourages deep listening and connection although we are in our familiar environment. Interesting research don’t you think?

Our methods and their effects:

We will use few methods to deepen connections to ourselves and our bodies: Mindfulness meditation, Pranayama (breathing exercises), and Asana (postures & movements). These practices will be enriched by other modalities, including Feldenkrais, deep listening practices and movement exploration. 

         We will explore and learn how to:

•   Observe habits and explore possibilities for change

•   Help recover from and prevent injury and pain

·         Create space in our bodies and mind

·         Become intimate with ourselves and what around us

·         shift away from distraction, anxiety and overthinking, into a state of greater objectivity, grounding and ease.

·         Learn how we can be present in our homes with greater awareness and space in our minds



4 - 7 February 2021

 Here is the schedule for the online sessions. We are still refining the exact schedule so slight changes could appear.


17:00-19:30 welcoming time and practice

Friday and Saturday:

10:00-12:00 Morning session, 12:00 lunch 17:00-19:00 evening session, 19:00 dinner, 20:15-21:00 after dinner session


9:00-11:30 practice and farewell time

Price150 eu.

About us

Anya (will teach meditation)

Anya founded Yoga in English Berlin in 2009. She aims to teach the whole path of Yoga by integrating meditation and key philosophy teachings for a happier, calmer experience of daily life. 

Originally from the UK, over the past decade she has taught mostly in Berlin where she is based and also travels abroad regularly to work as a guest teacher in Portugal, Bali and Thailand. Alongside teaching, she remains a committed student of Yoga and Vedānta philosophy and meditation, and takes regular advanced trainings and personal retreats. 

The style of meditation she teaches is rooted in mindfulness and aims to provide both the immediate benefits of a calm mind and longer-term personal growth. Her meditations invite you to observe automatic thought patterns and habits of reactivity and create more space around them. She encourages participants to observe inner dialogue and recognise where and how we can discover a more conscious, content experience of daily life. 

Her classes always provide a pressure-free environment. She teaches with a relaxed approach where everyone - all bodies, minds, experience levels and backgrounds - is very welcome. 

Naama Ityel (Will teach vinyasa yoga and Feldenkrais)

Naama is a somatic educator that supports people in their self-transformative processes and in bringing social change. Naama is a Yoga, dance and Feldenkrais teacher and a freelance dancer and choreographer.

She Graduated High School for Arts in Tel Aviv, “Mate Asher dance academy“ in Israel and SEAD (Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance) in Austria.

She received her ashtanga-vinyasa yoga teacher certification in “Abhinam School of Yoga” in Dharamsala, India, and has taught yoga since 2009 in the style of Vinyasa flow. Her Yoga classes are inspired by Buddhism, shamanism, dance, and different somatic approaches such as Feldenkrais, Klein technique, BMC (Body mind centering) and contact improvisation.

Naama is working worldwide as an artist and teaching internationally in different institutions and studios such as Yellow-Yoga, Berlin University of the Arts (UDK), FreieUniversität (FU), Tanz Fabrik and Mime Centrum. 

At the moment, Naama is pregnant and will aim to bring this powerful, sensitive and intuitive process of creating life into her teaching.


For additional information, questions and registration write an Email to Naama:


We can make this retreat happen only if a minimum amount of people is registered. Therefore, if you would like to join, we would appreciate if you can let us know quickly.

Earlier Event: December 31
Special New Year's Eve Class
Later Event: February 10
Flow & Restore - Yoga Nidra Special